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After you have got into the right frame of mind, use this discussion template to plan the right questions.

This series of great questions from Ken Trass, Professional Development Manager at the New Zealand Law Society, will assist you to think deeply about what is causing the issue and facilitate a successful tough conversation:

  • Have I identified the issue?

  • Have I got my facts straight? What is my objective evidence?

  • Have I reflected on the potential/actual cause of the issue?

  • Have I considered all the important aspects of the individual?

  • Do I need support?

  • Do I know my policies and procedures (around, for example, performance management, health and wellbeing, cyber- usage, conflict, discipline, grievances)?

  • Do I have some solutions in mind?

  • Am I open to other solutions?

  • Have I communicated a clear plan of the meeting?

  • Is there a safe, private space available?

  • Have I communicated confidentiality (if appropriate)?

  • Have I thought about my questions?

  • How will I use non-emotive language?

This format may help you to plan how to run the meeting:

1.    State the purpose/issue

2.    State the reason for this conversation

3.    Check readiness to proceed

4.    Check their perception of the issue

5.    Provide your perception of the issue

6.    Resolve any conflict

7.    Make a way forward

Get in touch if you need assistance or further tips regarding this area of your management. I’m here to help.