When I wrote my book ‘Leading People – a practical toolbox for managers’ in 2019 we had no Coronavirus and I was hot about 1-on-1’s.  18 months on and I’m even more passionate and convinced that this is an essential ‘big rock’ in our current environment.

Here are six benefits to investing in 1-on-1’s:

  1. They strengthen relationships between the leader and their team members. Your people want to be validated and feel connected to you.

  2. They improve productivity, and they actually don’t take up more time. Consider the amount of time you spend emailing and having ad hoc conversations with your team. You’re far better off setting aside a concentrated time to focus on what needs to be done; together.

  3. They build loyalty. Employees will place a greater sense of trust in your leadership if you meet with them regularly for 1 on 1’s. Loyalty cannot be established through a drive-by relationship with your people; frequency and consistency are required. Fortnightly or monthly calendar slots work best.

  4. They benefit everyone. You both have the opportunity to discuss needs, goals, and expectations with each other. Your direct report can drive the discussion, update you on progress, and ask for clear direction on upcoming priorities.

  5. 1-on-1’s allow you to give feedback in a way that’s meaningful and personable. It allows you to let them know how they are doing and what you expect from them over the coming weeks in a comfortable and safe environment.

  6. Lastly, 1-on-1’s give you the opportunity to check in on goals/objectives and set ongoing actions. In fact, as a people leader, the 1-on-1 meeting is the best tool you have to simply and practically do what you’re employed to do; lead!

So, let’s get stuck in! Here’s the 1st version of my Conversation tool:

1-on-1 Conversation Tool

As always, let me know any feedback.

Acknowledgements to Rotenburg for his research on the benefits of 1-on-1’s.


