The qualities of a leader have been long vaunted as crucial and important in our businesses. In every bookshop and library, as well as online, there are multiple books, articles and various PDF’s on leadership. From celebrated business leaders like Richard Branson, to leaders of state like former President Barack Obama, the literature tends to overemphasise the role of the leader as the holy grail.

What I’ve noticed is that there are far fewer books and resources focused on management. Management is seen as a little old fashioned, reflective of a time before the internet, when business leaders controlled workers and told staff what to do, rather than asking questions and supporting their staff.

It appears that we have forgotten about the basic fundamentals of management skills to help our people succeed in these businesses. This managerial expertise is a necessary complement to the leadership skills we’re so hung up on. Without the former, the latter won’t succeed.

“Management is efficiency in climbing the ladder of success; leadership determines whether the ladder is leaning against the right wall.”

—Stephen Covey

Management and leadership are complementary; both are needed so our workplaces can be vibrant, thriving environments. While acknowledging the work of great leaders, we have been relatively silent about great managers. While leadership is important, we need to elevate management to its rightful place.

I believe as an outcome of this overemphasis on leadership, we have unintentionally treated our managers disrespectfully. Our organisations need gutsy and consistent managers. Managers who make time for their people. Managers who are present during 1 on 1’s. Managers who ask more and tell less . Managers who listen to their people.

My mission is to give managers the tools to be more effective. In conjunction with the release of my book on 1 September, I’m announcing two upcoming bootcamps: one for team leaders and supervisors and the second one for managers.

If you are interested in finding out more please contact me at




