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I’m hearing lots of media information about how our productivity could be better in our businesses and organisations. I agree and think this starts with us as leaders. I think as leaders, the time has come to be more direct.  In this country we are a little “Yeah, Nah” about too many things. I love the laid-back New Zealand approach and sure, it’s similar in Australia, but in our organisations let’s stand up and step into the next level of leadership.

This starts with the 1-on-1 conversations we are having and by observing ways to improve them. An example of this is giving feedback to direct reports. Do we go for a ‘Shitake mushroom’ positive, negative, positive approach, or do we clearly articulate our feedback using a timely, direct approach?

If we want different outcomes and better results, then let’s communicate this clearly. Deliver clear feedback, set a plan to improve and actively listen to what is said in response.

Here’s a nifty little feedback tool I put together.

Use this as a guide. Plan it, deliver it respectfully, listen and work alongside your staff members.

FYI: I’m now getting my book printed locally and if you’d like a copy, send us an email. $30.00 for NZ including postage. Postage is extra for the rest of the world.

My Essentials of Leadership Programme is now available fully online or as a blended approach. Message me if you’d like to know more.

As always, love your feedback

Have a great Easter break!