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In the craziness of 2020, I’ve decided to see what I’ve learnt and what I can take forward as we look towards 2021. I’m going to take some of the happenings through the year and use them intentionally for good.

Learning No. 1 – life is too short not to do the things you love.

I started to realise this when I hadn’t bothered to get the golf clubs out at all for over a year. Of course, the Greaney Christmas game of golf is nigh, but it’s not so much my competitive spirit but the need to be out in nature that has spurred me into action.  I signed up two weeks ago at Chamberlain Park in Auckland City and have managed to fit in 5 x nine holes of golf since. What I’m enjoying the most is being outside with the sun on my back and breeze in my face. It’s rejuvenating for the soul!

Learning No. 2 – say yes to something that puts you outside your normal comfort zone.

A friend asked me to fill in for an indoor game of cricket a few weeks ago. It’s been at least two decades since I have played any form of cricket but I said “sure I’m in!”

Gosh it was a little nerve wracking and the adrenaline was pumping, but I got through it and have since had another three games. I laughed at myself last Sunday as I went for a few overs on my own in the nets to warm up before the most recent ‘social’ game. Man it was fun!! It’s been great to meet new people and playing a sport I spend lots of time spectating over summer.

Better to be off the couch and on the pitch!

Learning No. 3 – reflect on what you enjoy and do more of that.

Over October and November I’ve been back facilitating leadership programmes for my clients. I’ve managed virtual meetings through Zoom and Teams as we took programmes online, which went really well, but after being back face to face with people I certainly came back with a smile on my dial. Face to face is most certainly my jam!

So I’ll leave you with a couple of questions and a challenge:

1.     What has replenished your energy over the back half of this year?

2.     What time do you build into your schedule to reflect on what is working for you and what isn’t?

3.     Name an action or two you can take this week that ensures you recharge your battery and at the same time, do something that you love.

Drop me a line in the chat about an action you’ll take as there’s commitment when you share your action with others.

Send me a text, email or message if this resonates with you. I’d love to hear!